Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Live Now, Not Later

While I sit here, I don’t think of somewhere else, of the future or the past. I sit here, and I know where I am. This is very important. We tend to be alive in the future, not now. We say, “Wait until I finish school and get my Ph. D. degree, and then I will be really alive.” When we have it, and it’s not easy to get, we say to ourselves, “I have to wait until I have a job in order to be really alive.” And then after the job, a car. After the car, a house. We are not capable of being alive in the present moment. We tend to postpone being alive to the future, the distant future, we don’t know when. Now is the moment to be alive. We may never be alive at all in our entire life. Therefore, the technique, if we have to speak of a technique, is to be in the present moment, to be aware that we are here and now, and the only moment to be alive is the present moment...To be here and now, and enjoy the present moment is our most important task.

- Thich Nhat Hanh
Nobel Peace Nominee

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Next Meeting: July 22nd, 2006 7:30PM

See you all there!

- Tony